Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to use VS 2003 on Vista

1.) Visual Studio 2003 is not supported on Vista (per M$). While VS2k3 binaries will run on Vista and VS2k3 code can/will compile on Vista, Vista in not a suitable OS for a VS2k3 development machine. Use 2k Pro+ or XP Pro+
2.) This document is specific to web projects
3.) Version of Vista was/is 64 bit Ultimate (only relevant to a few steps)


1.) .Net Framework 1.1
2.) .Net Framework 1.1 (Very important – otherwise you will get a rather obtuse error)
1.) Ensure "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorsvr.dll" is version 1.1.4322.2032 or higher
2.) IIS 6.0 or later (7.0 comes w/ Vista versions Premium and above)

Detailed: (Source: URL_1)

1.) Enable IIS 6.0 compatibility
· Open "Control Panel"
· Double-click "Programs and Features"
· Expand "Internet Information Services"
· Expand "Web Management Tools"
· Check "IIS 6 Management Compatibility"

2.) Register v1.1 with IIS
· Open a CMD prompt
· Change your directory to c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322
· Run "aspnet_regiis -ir -enable"
· "ir" registers v1.1 with IIS but doesn't change any existing script mappings
· "enable" marks aspnet_isapi.dll as "Allowed" under "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions"
· aspnet_regiis should also create a new AppPool under "Application Pools" called "ASP.NET 1.1" that is configured with the "Classic" pipline, and "Enable32BitAppOnWin64" set to true if a 64-bit OS.

3.) Make the new "ASP.NET 1.1" appPool the default.
· Open the IIS manager
· Select the "Web Sites" folder.
· Under "Actions" on the upper right, click "Set Web Site Defaults..."
· Change the "Application Pool" setting to "ASP.NET 1.1"

4.) Setup your user account as a local admin (you want to be in the Debugger User group but this will take care of that) URL_2

5.) Switch off the "user account control" (optional) [msconfig] [tools] [Disable UAC] URL_3

6.) IIS – make sure “Front Page Extentions” installed (under WWW Services) (via Add / Remove Windows components)

7.) IIS – make sure “IIS 6.0 Compatibility” installed (under WWW Services) (via Add / Remove Windows components)

8.) Make sure WWW Services service is running (and IIS, while you’re at it…)

9.) IIS – server level – “ISAPI & CGI restrictions” – ensure ASP v1.1 enabled (may be able to set at application level and skip step 13 but I did not try)

10.) New virtual directory
a. ASP properties – allow client and server side debugging (even though you won’t be able to debug anyway)
b. Authentication – Windows

11.) Verify web site started

12.) Make project, verify web.config value for debug = true (even though you won’t be able to debug anyway)

13.) Reset any 2.0 sites to use “Default Application Pool” (2.0) in IIS

14.) If you get an error like “URL is in the internet zone” change your project properties to local host

a. From “http://netbios and domain/WebApplication1
b. To “http://localhost/Web Appliation1/

Other/Related items

#1.) New boxes from IT may be missing some web hosting components (hear head banging on desk now)
(Note I am on Vista 64 bit, IIS 7.0)
a.) Under add/update/remove Windows components, under IIS, under wwws (world wide web services) there are several options – check them all. I think in other OS’s that wwws is on the same level, not under, iis. I’ve isolated it to this level (but not the exact subcomponent). My solution also worked for Mike who is on XP. Symptom is that IIS cannot serve up any kind of asp(x) page, only htm(l) will work

#2.) (SQL Server) While the 32 bit client tools for 2K (except for EM) work well with 2K5 (and are much lighter weight) the 32 bit 2K tools (query analyzer) does not work with 2K5 64 bit




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