Thursday, July 29, 2010

Remove Items in a Select Box, IE compliant

function showAllDates() {

var findSel = new Object();
findSel = document.getElementById("idHAllDates")

if (findSel) {
if (findSel.value != 1){
else {
// default

function RemoveDates(){
var nowDate = new Date();
var nowDate2 = new Date(nowDate.getYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate());
var findSel = document.getElementById("idSelPEDate");
var tempString = "";

if (findSel)

// This does not work in IE
// for (var i = 1; i < findSel.options.length; i++) {

// leave the first option empty
for (var i = findSel.options.length - 1; i >=1; i--) {

// yy/mm/dd : input is in the form of mm/dd/yy
tempString = findSel.options[i].value;
tempString = tempString.substring(0, 2) + "/"
+ tempString.substring(3, 5) + "/"
+ "20" + tempString.substring(6, 8);

var compDate = new Date(tempString);
// alert(nowDate2 + " " + compDate + " " + tempString + " " + findSel.options[i].value);

if (compDate > nowDate2){
alert("bigger: " + compDate);

Thursday, July 15, 2010

ctrl home opens find and replace

[tools] [options] [general] - turn off the "Navigation for Word Perfect users" checkbox

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Explorer.exe Customization

Target: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, /select, D:\Temp\Joe\Code\


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Space of All Tables In DB

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

ASP and .Net BE DLLs Interop

Check out, optionally version #.

If changing #, change # for namespace, assembly and default namespace.


Copy to [server] C:\Web_DSS_Files\DLLs>

Put in GAC
C:\Web_DSS_Files\DLLs>gacutil /if PMMaccr09.dll

Register for COM Interop
C:\Web_DSS_Files\DLLs>regasm PMMaccr09.dll /tlb:PMMaccr09.dll


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Debugging Classic ASP With Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and 3.5 Framework

Thursday, April 30, 2009 06:22 | posted by: kevin

As much as I’d like never to debug complicated classic ASP code again, the fact is it’s everywhere in the enterprise today. Here is one way that I have found to speed up the process of supporting classic ASP w/ VS 2008 SP1/3.5.

At the last User Group meeting, I presented the features in the VS08 SP1 and 3.5 Framework. One topic/feature was only lightly covered in the documentation, but really jumped out at me, was that with Visual Studio 2008 SP 1 and 3.5 Framework VS 2008 can debug classic ASP code (script). I tried to find more information online, but the details were hard to find.So after a bit of research and trial and error I am sharing what I learned with you!

Here’s How:

1. Allow Server Side Debugging inside IIS Manager for the web site.

IIS Manager Settings

2. Open the Web Site in VS 2008 IDE by File - Open - Web Site and browsing to the directory that the IIS’s web is pointed to.

Open Web Site

3. Accept FrameworkUpgrade Warning (if prompted).

Framework Upgrade Warning

4. Configure Web Site Startup Properties to open correct website through IIS url (http://localhost/…)

Web Site Properties

5. Run Web Site in Debug Mode (F5) and accept Web.Config warning.

Allow .NET Debugging

6. In VS 2008 IDE Debug Menu select Attach To Process and choose the dllhost.exe process

Attach to dllhost.exe process

7. Begin Debugging By Setting Breakpoints in the IDE.

Visual Studio 2008 Debugging

That’s is !!! Ok so what changes were made to the original process?

When you exit the it VS 08 will prompt you to save a solution file.

And… A web.config for the .NET Debugger will be created in the root of the web. You should remove it when you deploy to production.

IIS Log and Last Stop - Restart


IIS - Site properties - Web Site - Log Properties
C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles nad then the specific site file name w3svcxyz\abc.log

Last Stop - Restart

Event Viewer - System - Filter for IISCTLS

Last Time Server Was Rebooted

net statistics server

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Command Line Process and IIS Tips

Recycle Ap Pool and others ...

Tip/Trick: List Running ASP.NET Worker Processes and Kill/Restart them from the command-line [a better way]
by Sander Gerz July 02, 2006 19:37

Scott Guthrie posts a trick on a quick way to kill a process on your system, or kill and restart an ASP.NET or IIS worker process. I tried to post a comment on his trick, but the commenting system is not working. So I'll give my opinion here, leaving me with a bit more room to elaborate.

Scott's suggesting that you use taskkill to kill a process running the application pool. That's all nice and neat, but how do you know what process to kill? If you have multiple application pools, you might just kill the wrong one. A much better solution is to use the little known iisapp command. In fact, iisapp is a vb-script located in %winnt%\system32. Run it from the command prompt without parameters, and you get a list of application pools with their associated process ids.

W3WP.exe PID: 3328 AppPoolId: DefaultAppPool
W3WP.exe PID: 232 AppPoolId: AppPool ASPNET2.0

The command IIsApp /a DefaultAppPool /r will recycle the specified application pool. Not only is this a lot easier, it's less error prone, thus safer to use. What if you kill the wrong process? I.e. by mistyping or by the fact that after you listed your processes, the application pool has recycled already.

There are a few other commands that few are aware of. E.g.

issweb /query

This will give you a list of configured websites, their status, port number and hostheader. You can also use iisweb to create, pause, stop, start and delete websites. iisvdir will do something similar for virtual folders.

With iisback you can backup and restore the IIS configuration. In fact, if you do a listing of .vbs-files from within %winnt%\system32 you may find some other hidden gems.

Hope this helps... too.


Find Process Locking DLL

tasklist /m thelocked.dll

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Register DLL's - Old School

C:\WINNT\system32>regsvr32 dss270_new.dll

Friday, May 21, 2010

Merge - Upsert

USING mergeS AS s
ON s.a = d.a
WHEN matched THEN
UPDATE SET d.achar = s.achar
INSERT (achar) VALUES (achar);

Quick Find Tables w/ Column Name Like

-- Utility: Quick Find Tables w/ Column Name Like
, 'WHERE Username LIKE ''kellyjo%'''
, ' -- '

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pre and Post pend Text to String

Sub preNPost()

' pre and post pend text to a line

Dim StartLine, EndLine, CurrentLine

StartLine = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine
EndLine = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine
CurrentLine = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine

While (CurrentLine < EndLine)

DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = "+ zzzz "
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = " yyyy"
CurrentLine = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine

End While

End Sub

Friday, May 14, 2010

ASP 0131 Disallowed Parent Path

When you use relative paths in include statements with Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP), browsing a Web page may return an error message similar to the following:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0131
Disallowed Parent Path
The Include file '../' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
//, line
Back to the top
This is caused by disabling ASP's "parent paths" for a Web site or application...
This is caused by disabling ASP's "parent paths" for a Web site or application while using relative parent paths in an include statement.

Relative parent paths in include statements use the following form:

Back to the top
The best solution to the problem is to use absolute virtual paths from the root...
The best solution to the problem is to use absolute virtual paths from the root of the Web site instead of relative paths.

For example, if you use an include file named "" at the root of your server, the virtual path would be "/" If you use the same include file in a virtual directory named "/includes" on your server, the virtual path would be "/includes/"

The syntax example below illustrates how to implement virtual paths:

An alternative to using absolute virtual paths is to enable parent paths; however, this is not the preferred method. (See the notes in the More Information section for details.) This is accomplished for your default Web site by using the following steps:
Back to the top
Internet Information Services 7.0

1. Start Internet Services Manager.
2. Click Default Web Site, and then click Properties.
3. Double-click ASP in the Features pane.
4. Expand Behavior.
5. Click Enable Parent Paths.
6. Click True for Enable Parent Paths.
7. Click Apply.

Back to the top
Internet Information Services 6.0

1. Open the Internet Services Manager in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
2. Right-click on your Default Web Site and select Properties.
3. Click the Home Directory tab.
4. Click the Configuration button.
5. Click the App Options tab.
6. Click to select the Enable Parent Paths checkbox.
7. Click the OK button until you return to the MMC.

Back to the top

Utility: Quick Find Tables w/ Column Name Like

, 'WHERE Username LIKE ''kellyjo%'''
, ' -- '

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Find the Process ID for the IIS Ap Pool

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cscript.exe iisapp.vbs

Note that if the process is not hosting any threads (or instances of a site) at that moment then will/may not show.

Debug Process to Attatch to

Particularly useful when traipsing through (inherited) project-less sites with embedded C# (no code-behind)...

For remote debugging of managed code

aspnet_wp.exe - XP

w3pw.exe - Vista / 2k3+

(Note that msvsmon.exe must be running on remote machine)

And for the JS attach to the client process (say IE) (especially when you cannot use something like FireBug because corp. only wants to support IE).

Friday, May 7, 2010

SQL Server 2008 Linked Servers



Linked Server

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
N'SQL Server'

Schema Syntax





Thursday, May 6, 2010


DIR /S - all files w/ subs, grouped

DIR /S /B - all files w/ subs, listed

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

MSC Commands from the Command Line i.e. AD Users

Thanks to Mitch Tulloch and his link to :

AD Domains and Trusts

Active Directory Management

AD Sites and Serrvices

AD Users and COmputers


Authorization manager

Certification Authority Management

Certificate Templates

Cluster Administrator

Computer Management

Component Services

Configure Your Server

Device Manager

DHCP Managment

Disk Defragmenter

Disk Manager

Distributed File System

DNS Managment

Event Viewer

Indexing Service Management

IP Address Manage

Licensing Manager

Local Certificates Management

Local Group Policy Editor

Local Security Settings Manager

Local Users and Groups Manager

Network Load balancing

Performance Montior

PKI Viewer

Public Key Managment

QoS Control Management

Remote Desktops

Remote Storage Administration

Removable Storage

Removalbe Storage Operator Requests

Routing and Remote Access Manager

Resultant Set of Policy

Schema management

Services Management

Shared Folders

SID Security Migration

Telephony Management

Terminal Server Configuration

Terminal Server Licensing

Terminal Server Manager

UDDI Services Managment

Windows Mangement Instumentation

WINS Server manager

Monday, May 3, 2010


namespace Util
public class util
public static void logMe(string msg, string usr, string fPath)
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fPath, true))
DateTime dNow = DateTime.Now;
file.WriteLine(dNow + " | " + usr + " | " + msg);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine (ex.ToString());

Monday, April 26, 2010

Registering DLLs, .Net w/ COM

old: regsvr32 LC_Pro08.dll

.Net C:\Web_DSS_Files\DLLs>gacutil /i PMMaccr08.dll
C:\Web_DSS_Files\DLLs>regasm PMMaccr08.dll /tlb:PMMaccr08.dll

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

IIS & Port Errors: IIS Cannot create a file when that file already exists

IIS & Port Errors: IIS Cannot create a file when that file already exists

Same port numbers must use same protocol, even with different IP’s

For example: (http) (https) (http) (https)

Will result in the below error:

Also: "iis cannot create a file when that file already exists"

If using a seperate/alternate IP make sure that the "SecureBindings" and "ServerBindings" values have both been written to the metabase correctly.



Wednesday, December 17, 2008

listbox/combobox value

Object population:
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

IList lstData = new List();
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
int j = i * 10;
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", i.ToString());
spSite spItem = new spSite(i.ToString(), j.ToString());
cb1.DisplayMember = "name";
cb1.ValueMember = "guid";
cb1.DataSource = lstData;

Retrieve member value (not display text):
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Class def:
public struct spSite
private string _name;
private string _guid;

public spSite(string name, string guid)
_name = name;
_guid = guid;

public string guid
get { return _guid; }

public string name
get { return _name; }

public void setName (string name)
_name = name;

public void setGuid (string guid)
_guid = guid;

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good text to hex / hex to text converters

Friday, November 14, 2008

Port Scanner

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

AA Errors

select top 30 * from tbAm_errorlog order by cast(exceptionmanager_timestamp as datetime) desc

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Unblock Port in Firefox

1) go to about:config in the Firefox address bar
2) right click, choose new->string
3) enter the name and the value 1-65535
4) there is no step 4

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

wrong version of project dll’s invoked

c:\inetpub\AAv6 (production – baseline & QW1)
c:\inetpub\AAv7 (UAT – QW2)
c:\inetpub\AAv8 (Dev – QW3)

Debugging v7 on my box was actually picking up the v8 version of SOME of the files (not sure if the v8 versions were put into the released binaries or the v7, primary (UI) binaries were v7 else I would have noticed a lot sooner). Primary offender was AAClasses.

This led to all sorts of “No, that can’t happen”, “Shit”, “That’s impossible”, “wtf”, “omg” & “huh?” behaviours.


1.) Close IDE
2.) Reboot (even w/ IDE closed (and killing all iis-related processes) there are still file locks on some of the dll’s & it was taking forever to identify these processes)
3.) DO NOT start IDE
4.) (didn’t help, but for giggles) kill the pdb files in the solution’s bin folders
5.) rd /s /q all dirs under C :\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root
rd /s /q "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\"
a.) this will removed the cached binaries
b.) will make the first run of your project take forever so run through the whole thing once before you try to do any tracing/debugging
6.) Rename the root directory to make sure the ap does not find those binaries (Note – searching project and solution manifests revealed no references to the incorrect files)
7.) Test – you should now be playing with what you intended.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GAC Location


Monday, September 29, 2008

City of Flummoxed

quick ref: JS Javascript find form element & value

var o = document.getElementById('txtUserName');

if ((o == null) || (undefined == o))
{ //alert ('UN Null'); return false; }
else {

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Instances of IE Not Allowing Access to Secure Site


But what it does not say is … if you have a complex site w/ differing directory permissions on different levels you must specify the “NTAuthenticationProviders” property on root as well as the subdirectories. (Note- this is not available via the IIS UI)

Anonymous access (“Allow” checkbox) will override this so it can be set on all subdirs.

In English, the following should be included in the node definition


Else some IE browser will try to use Kerberos authentication (vs. integrated) & you will get a “Cannot access page” error w/ no detail whatsoever.

A quick test of whether or not Kerberos is mucking w/ you can be done using WFetch (screenshot sample below). You want to look for “Authentication:Negotiate” in the response stream. If it is there then IIS is trying to use Kerberos authentication and the above fix will force integrated/NTAuth.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Index and count must refer to a location within the string ...

See if you are tossing error text in the querystring - as in, if the error text being pass is too long for the get/post q-string context this will occur and mask the true error (AA Specific)

Friday, September 19, 2008

AD Error - Access Denied

if using the IADSUser interface to set a user's password in AD, if the password contains the string "test" it will return the error "Access Denied".

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server ...

Check the web config file for unescaped "--" (double dash) characters, especially if not part of a comment (VS 2003)

type or namespace amwebservice cannot be found

if you just re-added it make sure you prefix the namespace with AUtil


Alter Table Alter Column Syntax


Friday, August 29, 2008

Unable to connect to the remote server

The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

Check, double-check and triple-check the URI for the web service.

Then DNS/hosts/lmhosts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

string to bool

bool bvalue = (svalue == "1" ? true : false);

Friday, August 22, 2008

txt2Hex hex2Txt

/ / JK - for psuedo-encrytping the user entered password to hex
public static string txt2Hex(string arg)
string retval = "";
foreach (char c in arg)
int tmp = c;
retval += String.Format("{0:x2}",
catch (Exception ex)
LogUtil.logMeLogic ( "Error : txt2Hex : |" + arg + "| : " + ex.ToString(),
false )
return "-1";
return retval;

// JK - for decyrpting the psuedo-encrytped the user entered password from hex
public static string hex2Txt(string arg)
string retval = "";
if (arg.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception();
while (arg.Length > 0)
retval += System.Convert.ToChar(System.Convert.ToUInt32(arg.Substring(0,
2), 16)).ToString();
arg = arg.Substring(2, arg.Length - 2);
catch (Exception ex)
LogUtil.logMeLogic ( "Error : txt2Hex : |" + arg + "| : " + ex.ToString(),
false )
return "-1";
return retval;

// Partial source:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

That damn SELECT INTO syntax

SELECT * INTO fubert FROM foo WHERE 1 = 2

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

System copy of hidden VS projects - Shadow Cache

Start from here ...

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root

for instance: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\73352469\2f0068c5\assembly\dl2\574c6e1d\ff77148d_a2f2c801\foo.dll

System copy of hidden VS projects

Start from here ...

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root

Account Admin ApConfig Error on Dep to AltEnv

Check WS path in ap config file

i.e. https://xyz/mgmt/errorMessage.aspx?error=System.Web.Services.Protocols.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80072030): There is no such object on the server at AAUtil.AAClasses.ADTools.CreateADGroup(MCEDirectoryEntry ParentEntry, String groupName, String description, AD_GROUP_TYPE groupType) at AccountManagement.AMWebService.ADWebService.CreateExternalGeographicGroup(String GroupName, String Description) in c:\inetpub\accountadminv5-2003\aa_webservice\adwebservice.asmx.cs:line 378 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Canoe Trip, July 2008

For the whole Black Magic Crew & friends, enjoy ...

(some photos digital, some old school ...)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Use Firefox to Debug Visual Studio (2003)

Set focus on project, go to File, Browse With. Select Firefox, Set As Default, Close.

Project Properties, Configuration Properties, Debugging, Always Use IE = False

Monday, July 14, 2008

Solution to "An error occurred in the secure channel support" - VS 2003 & https redirection

A.) (Blow away/move) the application’s dll (i.e. [bin]\[foo.dll]). Note – if you just do a rename you will get and assembly binding error.


Case (global.asax):

protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString().Replace("http://", "https://"));

On a dev box that does not support ssl (& if you are using ports that is another issue).

Compiles fine.

Close & reopen devenv & project …

Upon load, the devenv parses the ap_load dll to contact the web server (2003 uses IIS, 2005 uses Casini and may not demonstrate the same issues) however now the ap_load is redirecting the URI (protocol) the ap uses to go the web server, cannot find the site and barfs.

You are now left with a “You can’t get there from here” ( situation.

By removing the compiled version of the project, the site (existence) is not validated at dev time but rather run time (which then at least allows you to still modify the code, say do a conditional redirection based on environment).

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Microsoft® Visual C#® Default Keybindings (Shortcuts)

Alternative ones:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar


The Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides several features for exploring and understanding Web pages. These features enable you to:

  • Explore and modify the document object model (DOM) of a Web page.
  • Locate and select specific elements on a Web page through a variety of techniques.
  • Selectively disable Internet Explorer settings.
  • View HTML object class names, ID's, and details such as link paths, tab index values, and access keys.
  • Outline tables, table cells, images, or selected tags.
  • Validate HTML, CSS, WAI, and RSS web feed links.
  • Display image dimensions, file sizes, path information, and alternate (ALT) text.
  • Immediately resize the browser window to a new resolution.
  • Selectively clear the browser cache and saved cookies. Choose from all objects or those associated with a given domain.
  • Display a fully featured design ruler to help accurately align and measure objects on your pages.
  • Find the style rules used to set specific style values on an element.
  • View the formatted and syntax colored source of HTML and CSS.

    The Developer Toolbar can be pinned to the Internet Explorer browser window or floated separately.
  • Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    ASP.NET Worker Process

    ASP.NET Worker Process

    aspnet_wp.exe for Windows 2000

    w3wp.exe for Windows 2003.

    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Update Trigger Syntax

    , DomainValue VARCHAR (126) UNIQUE NOT NULL
    , DomainType CHAR (1) NOT NULL


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX cliDomainType ON Foo (DomainType)


    CREATE TRIGGER tru_Foo ON dbo.Foo
    UPDATE t
    SET t.Modified = GETDATE()
    FROM Foo AS t
    WHERE t.ID =

    Scott Guthrie's ASP.NET 2.0 Tips, Tricks, Recipes and Gotchas

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    Visual Studio 2003 Deployment

    Project / Copy Project

    Do not use FPS rather use the UI to XCOPY to a local (pre-made) site, only files needed for this project.


    I discovered this three ways (perhaps because I can be particularly obtuse @ times ...)

    1.) Code I rolled did not do what it should ... (Gee, duh ... (and yes, I was staging it))

    2.) Funny thing how the VS deployment tool would finish so quickly after encountering an error (i.e. it took 30 seconds when an XCOPY took 2 minutes or more ...)

    3.) Hmmm ... My local solution has a rather complex file hierarchy but ... I only see first level hierarchy (and for the immediate sub-levels there are no contents) ... Not sure about the priority/pattern of XCOPY (about which I am guessing the VS 2003 IDE is trying to obfuscate) but ... isn't it funny that if "img21.jpg" & "img22.jpg" (of a second level directory) are there but it bombs (modal) on "img23.jpg" (which it turns out is missing in source but is in VSS manifest) and then "img24.jpg" is not in the subdirectory of the deployed/stage solution (after one hits "OK" on the modal) (but it is in the source directory ...)

    Point: Not sure about the exact order of a VS "Copy Project" deployment but if there is an error it is fatal, does not rollback and can leave you with a partial/mixed deployment if you don't stage (use good practices).

    Change Source Control Bindings (VSS & Visual Studio 2003)

    On Project root, open mssccprj.scc and edit path for project and solution "SCC_Project_Name" values

    Force Delete Files, Including System/VSS Bindings

    del *.scc /F /S /A S

    (& vspscc files)

    MetaBase Location


    Monday, June 16, 2008

    2003 to 2005 Conversion: "Unable to start debugging on the web server"

    Make sure your project did not inherit a port that is configured for 1.1 (i.e. start project properties, web tab, "Use Visual Studio Development Server")

    Visual Studio - Just Cannot Get Those Reference Paths Right ...


    C:\Inetpub\dir1.1\resources\foo.dll (i.e. 1.1 version)
    C:\Inetpub\dir2.0\resources\foo.dll (i.e. 2.0 version)

    You want to add the latter (the 2.0 version in dir2.0) to your project references but, after you do so and you go back and check the properties of foo.dll in your project you see that it is pointing to the former (the 1.1 version in dir1).

    Check "Project Properties", the "Reference Paths" tab values and remove the paths to any unused directories. These act similarly to path variables and if foo.dll is found in one of them then that is the file that will be used regardless of the fully qualified path that you explicitly specified.

    (specific to VS 2005)

    Friday, June 13, 2008

    Compiler Error Message: CS0006: Metadata file could not be found

    Try deleting the c:\winnt\\framework\v1.1.4322\temporary files

    Access is denied: ‘ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib’.

    Turn off (stop) the indexing service

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008


    ALTER TABLE bistroProjectTaskRelation
    ADD CONSTRAINT fkProject
    FOREIGN KEY (projectID)
    REFERENCES bistroProject (projectID)

    More on Secure Channel Support

    Visual Studio 2003 (.Net 1.1)

    "Secure Channel Support" errors have occurred quite frequently. Common resolutions have been:

    + (Deployment) use XCOPY, not FPS
    + (IDE) change port, make sure to change definitions in solution file and file (I think this file is specific to 1.1/2003)

    Resolution for this instance of the debacle ... one of the eight project files (in the solution) I had converted to 2005 (the only indication being the rather obtuse error). "Secure Channel Support" errors were evident prior to any 2005 conversion efforts and (from what I gather online) have been the bane of many. Discovery of the difference was made with line-by-line analysis of each project manifest file and noting that one of the property value of one of the elements referred to "CodeBehind" versus "Inline", a feature (that if I recall correctly) was fully implemented in 2005 (with the introduction of partial classes).

    Thursday, May 29, 2008

    .Net 1.1 Deployment "An error occured in the secure channel support"

    Try removing the destination files, especially if you are "re"deploying a project.

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    There was an error loading ...

    WSE032: There was an error loading the microsoft.web.services2 configuration section.

    Wrong version of assembly specified in web.config

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    Fix for Developers not being able to send email from their box (programmatically)

    Check if virus software installed, particularly port 25. aka "Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail"
    (MacAfee instructions below)

    Thanks to DavidG @

    "... Now from David This might be too specific an issue, but I'll mention it anyway. Setting SmtpMail.SmtpServer using the server name gives:
    Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.
    innerexception: The transport failed to connect to the server.
    Setting SmtpMail.SmtpServer using the IP address gives:
    Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.
    innerexception: The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport
    error code was 0x800ccc15. The server response was not available
    I tracked this issue down to McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0 VirusScan Console, Access Protection, Properties, Port-Blocking tab, Rule:"Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail" This blocks outbound access to any port 25 on the network. Edit button shows a list of excluded processes to which new processes can be added. Regards, DavidG ... "

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Good SQL Server PerfMon Videos

    Author: Kevin Kline Strategy Manager for SQL Server Solutions at Quest Software

    " ... In part 1 of this series on "PerfMon counters for the SQL Server DBA," SQL Server MVP Kevin Kline walks you through significant PerfMon counters for tracking Windows memory। In this screencast, you'll learn the maximum numbers to watch for when using PerfMon counters as a method to avoid memory pressure in your SQL Server system। ..."

    Friday, May 2, 2008

    File Size Disk Utility

    "Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free tells you where precious space has gone to. TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will see the size of every subfolder. Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already see results while TreeSize Free is working. The space, which is wasted by the file system, can be displayed and the results can be printed in a report. TreeSize Free is freeware for Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista..."

    MySql Cheat Sheet

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Syntax for Output Parameter C#

    protected void RolesToBeMade(int RoleID, int DepartmentID)

    string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["jk_devConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
    errMsg.Visible = false;


    SqlCommand DBCmd = new SqlCommand("insDepartmentRole", conn);
    DBCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    SqlParameter paramRID = new SqlParameter("@_RoleID", SqlDbType.Int, 10);
    paramRID.Value = RoleID;

    SqlParameter paramDID = new SqlParameter("@_DepartmentID", SqlDbType.Int, 10);
    paramDID.Value = DepartmentID;

    SqlParameter sqlOut = new SqlParameter("@_result", SqlDbType.Int);
    sqlOut.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;



    Int32 intI;

    intI = (Int32)DBCmd.Parameters["@_result"].Value;

    if (intI != 0)
    throw new ArgumentException("Database Error");
    catch (Exception err)
    util.logging.Log2file(err.Message.ToString(), Server.MapPath("~") + "
    \\Logging.log", 10000);
    errMsg.Visible = true;
    errMsg.Text = "Sorry, an error occurred. Please try your request again at another time.";

    How to use VS 2003 on Vista

    1.) Visual Studio 2003 is not supported on Vista (per M$). While VS2k3 binaries will run on Vista and VS2k3 code can/will compile on Vista, Vista in not a suitable OS for a VS2k3 development machine. Use 2k Pro+ or XP Pro+
    2.) This document is specific to web projects
    3.) Version of Vista was/is 64 bit Ultimate (only relevant to a few steps)


    1.) .Net Framework 1.1
    2.) .Net Framework 1.1 (Very important – otherwise you will get a rather obtuse error)
    1.) Ensure "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorsvr.dll" is version 1.1.4322.2032 or higher
    2.) IIS 6.0 or later (7.0 comes w/ Vista versions Premium and above)

    Detailed: (Source: URL_1)

    1.) Enable IIS 6.0 compatibility
    · Open "Control Panel"
    · Double-click "Programs and Features"
    · Expand "Internet Information Services"
    · Expand "Web Management Tools"
    · Check "IIS 6 Management Compatibility"

    2.) Register v1.1 with IIS
    · Open a CMD prompt
    · Change your directory to c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322
    · Run "aspnet_regiis -ir -enable"
    · "ir" registers v1.1 with IIS but doesn't change any existing script mappings
    · "enable" marks aspnet_isapi.dll as "Allowed" under "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions"
    · aspnet_regiis should also create a new AppPool under "Application Pools" called "ASP.NET 1.1" that is configured with the "Classic" pipline, and "Enable32BitAppOnWin64" set to true if a 64-bit OS.

    3.) Make the new "ASP.NET 1.1" appPool the default.
    · Open the IIS manager
    · Select the "Web Sites" folder.
    · Under "Actions" on the upper right, click "Set Web Site Defaults..."
    · Change the "Application Pool" setting to "ASP.NET 1.1"

    4.) Setup your user account as a local admin (you want to be in the Debugger User group but this will take care of that) URL_2

    5.) Switch off the "user account control" (optional) [msconfig] [tools] [Disable UAC] URL_3

    6.) IIS – make sure “Front Page Extentions” installed (under WWW Services) (via Add / Remove Windows components)

    7.) IIS – make sure “IIS 6.0 Compatibility” installed (under WWW Services) (via Add / Remove Windows components)

    8.) Make sure WWW Services service is running (and IIS, while you’re at it…)

    9.) IIS – server level – “ISAPI & CGI restrictions” – ensure ASP v1.1 enabled (may be able to set at application level and skip step 13 but I did not try)

    10.) New virtual directory
    a. ASP properties – allow client and server side debugging (even though you won’t be able to debug anyway)
    b. Authentication – Windows

    11.) Verify web site started

    12.) Make project, verify web.config value for debug = true (even though you won’t be able to debug anyway)

    13.) Reset any 2.0 sites to use “Default Application Pool” (2.0) in IIS

    14.) If you get an error like “URL is in the internet zone” change your project properties to local host

    a. From “http://netbios and domain/WebApplication1
    b. To “http://localhost/Web Appliation1/

    Other/Related items

    #1.) New boxes from IT may be missing some web hosting components (hear head banging on desk now)
    (Note I am on Vista 64 bit, IIS 7.0)
    a.) Under add/update/remove Windows components, under IIS, under wwws (world wide web services) there are several options – check them all. I think in other OS’s that wwws is on the same level, not under, iis. I’ve isolated it to this level (but not the exact subcomponent). My solution also worked for Mike who is on XP. Symptom is that IIS cannot serve up any kind of asp(x) page, only htm(l) will work

    #2.) (SQL Server) While the 32 bit client tools for 2K (except for EM) work well with 2K5 (and are much lighter weight) the 32 bit 2K tools (query analyzer) does not work with 2K5 64 bit




    Debugging client JavaScript in VS 2005

    "...One of less known features of Visual Studio 2005 is Script Explorer, hidden in Debug menu where appears only when the debugger is running. This great tool allows easily debug JavaScripts..."

    SQL Server 2005 Long Varchar Storage

    2k vs. 2k5 difference – 2k5 will allow table content to exceed 8060 chars – it puts in a 24 bit ref. & stores the offending data in a different page. Not a great idea but it does prevent the app from breaking.

    SQL Server 2005 Security Option

    Had an ap all of a sudden just stop working today …

    Logon Error: 18487, Severity: 14, State: 1. Logon Login failed for user 'loginname'. Reason: The password of the account has expired. [CLIENT: ]

    Then the password for the login used in your web application has expired. SQL Server 2005 introduced 'Enforce password policy' and/or the 'Enforce password expiration' configurations which use the local policies for password length, complexity and expiration. Depending on how Active Directory, the local policies and your rights are setup, these parameters can be reviewed and changed to dictate how SQL Server uses configurations.

    Differences in SQL Profiler 2000 & 2005

    Between Sysobject changes and changes in the UI for SQL Profiler you may run into some unexpected results when trying to trace DB commands (especially if you are trying to trace on only a specific db (recommended – profiler is a rather heavy tool)).

    You may find the below chart of assistance. Note – in the 2005 version of profiler there is a checkbox on the “Filter” dialogue called “Exclude rows that do not contain values” (this does not exist for the 2000 version). Your filters will not be applied unless this box is checked. Additionally this option is not available when using 2005 tools on a 2000 DB.

    Cascading add sub-dirs to vss project

    If, when you dnd from root, when the comment dialogue comes up select the “Recursive” check box. Then all of the sub-dirs will be included.

    Intermittent .Net Errors

    “ … If you run Index Server (Cisvc.exe), then Index Server may rescan the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory while it requests a Microsoft ASP.NET page. Cisvc.exe then holds a lock on the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory for one to five minutes. The length of time of the lock depends on the size of the directory that causes the Aspnet_wp.exeprocess (or W3wp.exe process for applications that run on Microsoft Internet Information Services [IIS] 6.0) to not load the particular DLL. …”;en-us;329065

    FYI - Insert From SP Example

    USE ...


    ALTER PROC foobar
    SELECT clientID, Nm FROM client


    CREATE TABLE #foos (clientID INT, Nm VARCHAR (255))


    INSERT #foos (clientID, Nm)
    EXEC foobar

    SELECT * FROM #foos

    -- DROP TABLE #foos

    Web.Config vs. Ap.Config Findings

    Goal: when are changes to config file picked up automagically?

    ∆ Web.Config (a) ∆ App.Config (b)

    Simple KVP∆
    (a) Picked up
    (b) Not picked/up

    ∆ Web.config
    (a) appSettings file value Picked up
    (b) (hot swappable)

    Recycle Ap Pool
    (a) Picked up
    (b) Picked up

    Whack VB IDE Hostile Takeover of Focus

    Tools/Options/Editor Uncheck "Auto Syntax Check"

    VSxxxx 2005 Visual Studio Can't use IE to debug with VSxxxx (

    Check hosts file for localhost entry (lmhosts did not have entry)


    Bad (in my case): localhost

    Good: localhost

    Or just delete the line and let it default to the loopback address

    VSxxxx 2003 Visual Studio Tips for Ambiguous Errors

    Tips for ambiguous errors

    Reference Issues - can not be found
    P: C:\Inetpub\ApName\list.aspx.cs(26): The type or namespace name 'ToolBarControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    A: Remove and re-add the references

    Server Application Unavailable

    P: The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request. Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.
    A: Are you running locally when the ap needs to run in the McCann domain? (i.e. accessing a web service

    Q.) Not a valid solution/project file

    A.) Make sure you are using VS 2003 (and double check the site is using 1.1)

    Q.) Messed up paths for solution after you open projects

    A.) Create a new solution, importing the projects from $/dir/ApplicationName

    Q.) Error: “Machine to Application” ('MachineToApplication')

    A.) Make sure that the Ap directory under root is configured as an application

    Q.) Error: “The 'type' attribute must be set to a valid type name. (C:\Inetpub\ApName\web.config line 241)“ when AP tries to invoke the web service

    A.) Missing DLL – try Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll” to the bin directory and other projects in the solution ref it

    Q.) Error: The type or namespace name 'SomeRef' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference

    A.) Remove and re-add the project reference for 'SomeRef’ to project

    Q.) Error: The Type Or Namespace Name 'SomeRef’ cannot be found

    A.) Make sure that the project SubName is in the solution, build it, in add a reference to its output for ParentProj

    Q.) Error: The type or namespace name 'IISPWCHGLib' cannot be found

    A.) Add reference to inter-op component Interop.IISPWCHGLib.dll.

    Q.) Error: The type or namespace name ADSSECURITYLib cannot be found

    A.) Add reference to inter-op component Interop.ADSSECURITYLib.dll

    Q.) Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    1. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Source Error:
    if(ApPart.HasRight(Session,"Full Control") || Session["Role"].ToString() == " Administrator") {…

    A.) Make sure that there is a copy of Microsoft.Web.Services2 in the bin directory for Ap (even if the reference is included in the project it appears not to be included in the project. Alternatively register this file in the GAC.)

    B.) Make sure that “Allow Anonymous Access” is turned off @ the site level for the web site. [Website] [Properties] [Directory Security] [Edit] [Authentication Methods] uncheck [“Enable anonymous access”]

    Q.) Error: A project of type class library cannot be started directly

    A.) Set Ap as startup project and select a page (say, mgmt\addEmail.apsx) as the start page

    Q.) Unable to open ApWebService

    A.) Check the config (web.config & Ap.config) settings for the WS against a working version (say stage)

    Q.) No error output, cannot debug

    A.) Change web.config values for detailed errors and trace enabled to “true”

    Q.) ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib

    A.) may be required for some projects. (see $/ApName/Ancillary)

    Q.) WSE 2

    A.) Requires Web Services Enhancements 2.0

    Q.) module 'Session' is : An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request added again – The module session is already in the application

    A.) cscript.exe adsutil.vbs SET /W3SVC/UploadReadAheadSize 512000

    B.) Reboot

    Q.) FPSE – Front Page Server Extensions

    A.) Not needed

    Q.) ASP.Net on local machine …

    A.) Make sure aspnet (local machine) has access to c:\windows\temp\ per

    Q.) DLL defined multiple places (also – the type attribute must be set to a valid name)

    A.) – Erase all content (project output) from the bin directory

    B.) “The problem is that you may have other assemblies .i.e. dlls resulting form previous compiles.
    You may have renamed your assemblies and thus you may have several name spaces visible.
    The .NET framework cannot tell which namespace you are referring to in your \bin directory.
    By deleting the offending .dlls (previous named assemblies) you will no longer get this error”

    Q.) ASP .Net Version (1.0)

    A.) Your IIS directory maybe set to 2.0 – change it to 1.1

    Q.) Other & possibly “The remote name could not be resolved”

    A.) May have a different hosts file that may/will cause issues trying to connect to remote servers via NetBios vs. IP address.

    Q.) The type or namespace name 'ToolBarControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    A.) Remove (delete) and re-add the project references. Also verify that the reference paths are for your local machine and not the values retrieved from VSS

    Q.) In order to add this reference … ReferencePath property

    A.) Say “Yes”

    Q.) Error: “web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the Refresh” or “Internal Server Error”

    A.) Double check IIS set to 1.1, Reboot your machine

    Q.) Deployment or “Secure Channel Support”

    A.) To deploy I deployed to a local drive (only required files), then shared a dir on the Stage machine, copied the site output with xcopy, undid the share and worked remotely

    Q.) Deployment & type attribute must be set to a valid type name.

    A.) Use pre-existing stage config files

    B.) Copied Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll to bin

    Q.) SELECT permission denied on object 'ASPStateTempApplications' (SQL Session State)

    A.) Need to enable SQL Server Session State for this login on this database

    If server is already configured for ss session state, add that (your) user as dbo for the [ASPState] db and [db_datareader] and [db_datawriter] for [tempDB]

    SSRS 3 How to export a report

    How to export a report ... navigate to report - [Properties] [Edit] [Save

    SSRS2 Faster SSRS Performance

    SSRS Tip

    If you RDC to the actual server to make changes (via http) the ui is about twice as fast (makes sense if you think about

    SSRS User does not have rights / permissions to view report properties

    Joe: I'm having problems granting permissions to an AD group in ssrs, namely even though they are in there (the group "admins", and the group is in ssrs) and all the ssrs roles are attributed to the group members of the group can not access report properties

    Sal: I think, cause I have seen similar things they have to be added to the top level and then revoked from the other folders

    Joe: k- on the "Home" level?

    Sal: yes, home, using the web app

    : )

    SSPI Cannot generate SSPI context

    Cannot connect to sql server – try ip vs net-bios and vice versa

    Verisign Cert Process


    Add user account (or yourself) to the local machine - Computer Management - Local Users and Groups - Groups

    C:\>runas /profile /user:whoopie\my.serviceAccount "c:\winnt\notepad.exe"


    a.) Better to use full path to actual executable

    b.) In Local Security Settings \ User Rights Management, a 'deny' property overrides an 'allow' property. So, if whoopie\my.serviceAccount is in 'Administrators' & 'Administrators' have "Allow to log on ..." but whoopie\my.serviceAccount is also in group 'Foobar' and 'Foobar' has "Deny log on ..." then whoopie\my.serviceAccount will not be able to log on even though the 'Administrators' group is higher than the 'Foobar' group.


    RDC - Send CTRL-ALT-Delete (Control) - CTRL-ALT-End

    RDC3 See other people connected to a box (via RDC

    Use "Terminal Services Manager" - if all connections are taken up see:

    RDC2 Shortcut - How to create icon to launch RDC to specific computer

    Launch RDC to specific computer

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>mstsc /v:

    RDC1 How to get in to RDC when all the connections are used

    RDC1 How to get in to RDC when all the connections are used up. Remote Desktop max connection exceeded. Cannot login anymore to servers.

    How to get in to RDC when all the connections are used up...

    "... Go to Run and issue "mstsc /console" command. This will launch the same old Remote Desktop client you use every day. But when you will connect to remote desktops, it will connect you in Console Mode. Console Mode means connecting to the server as if you are right in front of the server and using the server's keyboard and mouse. Only one person can be connected in console mode at a time. Once you get into the console mode, it shows you the regular Windows GUI. There's nothing different about it. You can launch "Terminal Service Manager" and see the disconnected sessions and boot them out...”

    M$ Office 2007 Shortcut Keys

    The new equivalent of [F3] == [CTRL] [ALT] [Y] == [CTRL] [Page (Down/Up)] (aka find next w/o a dialogue box)

    NetMon2 Location - How to install

    1. Open the Control Panel.

    2. Click Add or Remove Programs.

    3. Click Add/Remove Windows Components to open the Windows Components Wizard.

    4. Select Management and Monitoring Tools. Click Details.

    5. Check Network Monitor Tools, then click OK.

    6. Click Next. If prompted for additional files, insert the installation CD.

    7. At the end of the installation, click Finish.,289483,sid68_gci1248316,00.html

    Network Monitor - Net Mon - Network Monitor tool - no data captured

    Network Monitor
    (aka netmon, Microsoft Network Monitor)

    If you start NetMon and it does not gather any data make sure that you choose the correct network. [Tools] [Networks] [Local Computer] [Local Area Connection] If you just select [Local Computer] you may not record anything. Good article:

    MOSS1 Sharepoint 2007 Training Videos

    MOSS1 Sharepoint 2007 Training Videos

    MMC1 Launch mmc console for AD w/ specific domain

    Launch mmc console for AD w/ specific domain

    c:>dsa.msc /

    Jing Link to video screen capture tool


    JavaScript1 Debug Debugging JavaScript

    Debugging client JavaScript in VS 2005

    Internationalization Globalization HTML ASP Special Characters Non-US ASCII codes for characters

    Special characters

    IIS2 Reregister .Net versions 1.1, 2.0

    To re-register ASP.NET for IIS:

    .Net 1.1: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe -i -enable

    .Net 2.0: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i -enable

    .Net 3.0: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\aspnet_regiis.exe -i -enable

    IIS Log File Location

    IIS - website - properties - "web site" tab - "Active Log Format" Properties button - get log file name.

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles - match log file name to folder, find most recent

    Changing the Hosts file to enable NetBIOS name resolution (vs ip)

    Copy new Hosts files (LMHost and Host) to %System Root%\system32\drivers\etc\

    Cmd exec nbtstat -R

    Cmd exec ipconfig /flushdns

    Works for SQL, RDC and the file system (i.e. \\net-biosname\c$ vs. \\ip\c$ )

    Find in Files not working (VS 2003)

    Find in Files not working

    "No files were found to look in.Find was stopped in progress." in Visual Studio 2003
    It also deserves a nomination in the problem solving category Spin around on your chair 3 times, clap your hands twice and then press... because the solution is to press Control + Scroll Lock and all is fixed. press... because the solution is to press Control + Scroll Lock and all is fixed.

    AD Abbreviations Active Directory Attribute WinNT property LDAP property

    Names for Objects in Active Directory
    One of the biggest confusions with Active Directory is the many “names” that can be used to refer to or describe an object. Most of these “names” are attributes (or properties) of the object. There is even a property method called “Name”. A Property Method is actually a method (a function) that calculates a value from other properties.

    Note that the terms “attribute” and “property” are interchangeable. The name of a property or attribute is like the name of a variable. The actual value of the property can be assigned by the network administrator, or sometimes by the system.

    Some of the confusion arises because the same attribute can have a different name depending on the provider used. Even worse is that sometimes the same attribute name can refer to a different attribute, depending on the provider. The following table attempts to clarify the situation.

    The “Name” property of the WinNT provider is sometimes called the “NT Name”, because it is the name used in NT networks. The WinNT “Name” property of a user object is the pre-Windows 2000 logon name. The LDAP provider calls this attribute “sAMAccountName”. The value can be the same as the value assigned to the LDAP “cn” attribute, but it does not have to be. This can be a major source of confusion. You cannot retrieve the “cn” attribute with the WinNT provider.

    The “Name” property method of the LDAP provider is the same as the “cn” property, but with the string “cn=” appended in front. For example, if cn = “TestUser”, then Name = “cn=TestUser”. The "Name" property method returns the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of the object.

    The same attribute called “FullName” using the WinNT provider is called “displayName” using LDAP. Many of the other attributes used to identify users are only exposed by the LDAP provider.

    Both providers expose an “AdsPath” attribute, but this is actually a “Property Method”. It is the binding string used to bind to the object with the provider. The LDAP provider also exposes a “distinguishedName” attribute. It is the same as “AdsPath”, but without the provider moniker (“LDAP://”) in the string. The “distinguishedName” property of an object might be something like “cn=TestUser,ou=Sales,dc=MyDomain,dc=com”. It uniquely specifies the object in Active Directory. It includes the Relative Distinguished Name of the object, plus the full path to the container holding the object in Active Directory.

    The “userPrincipalName” is an alternative name for the user to logon with. It is in the form “LogonName@DNSDomain”. For example, it could be “Joe”. This attribute is not always assigned a value in Active Directory.

    The only attributes in the table above that are mandatory are “SAM-Account-Name” and “Common-Name”. If a user object is created with the LDAP provider, values must be specified for both “cn” and “sAMAccountName”. If a user object is created with the WinNT provider, only the “Name” attribute is specified (“SAM-Account-Name”), but “Common Name” is automatically assigned to the same value. If a user object is created in the “Active Directory Users and Computers” MMC, the names default as follows. You specify the “First Name”, “Initials”, and “Last Name” of the user (the “givenName”, “initials”, and “sn” attributes). The field labeled “Full Name” defaults to be . . This string is assigned to the “cn” attribute (Common Name). You are allowed to overwrite the default. The fact that the cn attribute is referred to as “Full Name” is another source of confusion. In the “New Object – user” dialog you are also required to specify a “User logon name”. This, in combination with the DNS domain name, becomes the “userPrincipalName”. Finally, As you key in “User logon name”, the field “pre-Windows 2000 logon name” is filled in for you with the first 20 characters of “User logon name”. This becomes the “sAMAccountName” attribute.

    The full NT name of an Active Directory object is in the form “NetBIOSDomain\sAMAccountName”. An example could be:


    The full LDAP name of the same object could be specified by:


    As you can see, the “sAMAccountName” attribute does not have to be the same as the “cn” attribute. In addition, the DNS domain name ( above) does not have to match the NetBIOS domain name (MyDomain above). This can make “finding” objects in Active Directory difficult. Fortunately, the NameTranslate object is generally available to convert names between these two forms.

    It should be noted that the sAMAccountName attribute of any object must be unique in the domain. The userPrincipalName must be unique in the forest. However, the cn attribute (common name) must only be unique in the container or organizational unit. There can be several objects with the same cn, as long as they are in different containers. Note, however, that the distinguishedName will always be unique in the forest.

    A final concept to discuss is the relative distinguished name, abbreviated RDN. For a user object, this is the common name (cn) attribute. The Name property method returns the RDN. The RDN of any object is the first part of the distinguishedName, abbreviated DN, of the object. For example, if the DN of a computer object is:


    Then, the RDN is “cn=Minnesota”.

    A few naming abbreviations:

    cn Common Name
    ou Organizational Unit
    dc Domain Component
    dn Distinguished Name
    rdn Relative Distinguished Name
    upn User Principal Name


    ADSI linked server needed to run/connect as a network service account

    " ... This was quite an old post. But I'll just confirm that the issue is probably due to the service account that MSSQLSERVER service runs under needs to have domain access to query ADSI. Use a domain account to run the service and you should be fine, see info here: ..."

    Other ...

    Check that you have (sql) rights ...

    Check entries in the hosts and lmhosts files

    Currently working ADSI query

    SELECT TOP 30 *
    'SELECT givenName, SN, displayName, mail, sAMAccountName,Department, Division, EmployeeId
    FROM ''LDAP://serverwithfulldomain/baseDN''
    WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND
    objectClass = ''user''')
    Fully Qualified Name



    (noun, intransitive) : The act or state of being held responsible for performing activities of which you are not aware and for which the instructions are not forthcoming from those aware of the activities which are to take place